Chakra Support Newsletter
Each weekly newsletter will focus on the chakras, giving inspirational quotes and images, links to new meditation techniques, online yoga classes, remote reiki healing videos, and timely updates on new, live, online classes and workshops.
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7 Chakras
About Us
Heart Chakra
Yoga Poses for Healing
12 Minute Heart Chakra Yoga Routine to Uplift Your Mood and Open Your Heart
Heart Chakra Mixed Level Yoga
Restorative Yoga for Opening the Heart Chakra.
Gentle Therapeutic Yoga Class with Breath Focus
Vashistasana (side plank) For Heart Chakra Yoga
In side plank the heart region is open as we balance on one arm. We can embrace our strength, our emotions and the perfection of the moment.
Start in plank with the wrist creases right in front of the top of the shoulders. As you keep the waist line up towards the sky and scoop the tail bone, melt the heart towards the ground, allowing the shoulder blades to move onto the back. Shift your weight to the right arm and stack the feet together (the outside right foot will touch the ground). Inhale as you extend the left arm up towards the sky. This is Vashistasana. After about five deep breaths, come back to plank and move to the others side.
Alignment Points: It’s very important for the safety of the shoulder muscles to keep the hand slightly forward of your shoulder when you move to the side. If you have had a shoulder injury or are weaker in the shoulders, try the side plank pose with the right knee on the ground. This pose is safer and will help build the strength needed to do the final pose.
Boujangasana (Cobra pose) for Heart Chakra Yoga
As you draw forward into the cobra pose, imagine opening yourself to deeper heart connections with others.
Ustrasana (Camel Pose) for Heart Chakra Yoga
In Camel Pose with a heart open and lifted to the sky in the camel pose, compassionate qualities are easefully accessed.
Urdhva Dhanurasana (Wheel Pose) for Heart Chakra Yoga
In the Wheel Pose or a restorative backbend over blankets or blocks, we can embrace the strength of gratitude to open the heart fully. In the restorative version we allow gravity to open the heart much like the simple process of thankfulness opens the heart to love.
Heart Chakra Yoga Video Finding Joy Anywhere
Yoga Classes at the
Hidden Valley Zen Center
Sandra is offering mixed level yoga classes at the Zen Center on Tuesday and Thursday nights at 5:30 pm Pacific time Click here for more information.

Zoom Yoga Classes
Sherry is live on Zoom Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings. Click here for the schedule.