Chakra Support Newsletter
Each weekly newsletter will focus on the chakras, giving inspirational quotes and images, links to new meditation techniques, online yoga classes, remote reiki healing videos, and timely updates on new, live, online classes and workshops.
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7 Chakras
About Us
How to Use Affirmations
Positive affirmations have the potential to replace unsupportive thought patterns and transform lives. We do what we think. Many of us feel we have no control over our thoughts, but if our thoughts are responsible for the way we perceive our world, loving, encouraging and optimistic thoughts will surely result in a wonderful existence. If it’s true that negative thinking is absorbed into our tissues, our every cell, it is imperative we overcome this harmful tendency with heartfelt consideration for our physical and emotional bodies. It is urgent we forgive ourselves and others. When we worry and obsess, languishing in reflections of the smaller aspects of our daily dramas, we forget who we truly are, and we operate at a lower frequency, joining others who dwell in lesser affairs. Choosing kindness and empathy uplifts us, reflecting back to us a vibrant world that surrounds us with opportunities to co-create with the Universe.
When you awaken in the morning, before you turn in at night or at any point in the day when idle thoughts arise, repeat an affirmation to support your intensions. Use an affirmations that’s suggested in one of the links below for one of the chakras that you would like to work to balance, or build one of your own. Be creative, visualizing a wonderful outcome to your challenge. Allow the affirmation to reflect that outcome.
Choosing Which Affirmations to Use…
If you haven’t taken the simple chakra balancing test, click here to determine which chakras may need more attention. In short, the Root Chakra is your right to be as you are but the challenge is anxiety or fear. The Sacral Chakra is the right to feel and have passion in your life but holding guilt for actions done or not done can create imbalances. The Solar Plexus Chakra is our right to act or create but feelings of shame for actions taken in the past can hold us back from our creative ability. The Heart Chakra is our right to love but our feelings of sadness from relationships lost can hold us back from loving.
Yoga Classes at the
Hidden Valley Zen Center
Sandra is offering mixed level yoga classes at the Zen Center on Tuesday and Thursday nights at 5:30 pm Pacific time Click here for more information.

Zoom Yoga Classes
Sherry is live on Zoom Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings. Click here for the schedule.