Chakra Support Newsletter
Each weekly newsletter will focus on the chakras, giving inspirational quotes and images, links to new meditation techniques, online yoga classes, remote reiki healing videos, and timely updates on new, live, online classes and workshops.
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7 Chakras
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Simple Chakra BalanceTest
The following Simple Chakra Balance Test is created as an exciting approach to self-inquiry. By filling out the test, you, the seeker are able to determine where your energetic imbalances may lie based on your truthful answers. The state of each chakra is revealed through adding up the final scores, showing which area of your life is in need of healing.
Remember that each chakra is intimately connected to the next, like gears You may choose to focus on the three most excessive or deficient energy clusters, but if one device in the mechanism is out of sync, the rest follow suit. For optimum vitality, cultivating balance for every chakra is imperative and recommended.
Root Chakra Test
How often do you go for a walk at the beach, park, or otherwise make contact with Nature?
Never (4) Seldom (3) Often (1) Always (0)
Do you eat only when you are physically hungry?
Never (4) Seldom (3) Often (1) Always (0)
Do you feel you have a right to be here as you are?
Never (4) Seldom (3) Often (1) Always (0)
Count how many of the following issues you might have had within the last year:
Disorders of bowel, anus, large intestine, bones and teeth. Issues with legs, feet, knees, base of spine, buttocks. Eating disorders, underweight or overweight, frequent illness, fear, anxious, lack of discipline, restless, addiction to security, disorganization, poor boundaries, poor focus,
Simple Chakra 1 Balance Test Score:
If the Root Chakra has a high score in the Simple Chakra Balance Test find out more by reading up on the 1st chakra information or check out yoga poses for activation, Meditaton practices, affirmation techniques and reiki healing.
Sacral Chakra Test
How would you rate your ability to feel and express emotions?
Poor (4) Fair (3) Good (1) Excellent (0)
How would you rate your sex life?
Poor (4) Fair (3) Good (1) Excellent (0)
Are you able to nurture and be nurtured by others in balance?
Never (4) Seldom (3) Often (1) Always (0)
Count how many of the following issues you might have had within the last year:
Disorders of reproductive organs, spleen, urinary system; menstrual difficulties; sexual dysfunction; low back pain, knee trouble, lack of flexibility; deadened senses, loss of appetite for food, for sex or for life, frigidity, emotional numbness, fear of pleasure, lack of desire or excitement in life, excessive boundaries, rigid in body or attitude.
Simple Chakra 2 Balance Test Score:
If the Sacral Chakra has a high score in the Simple Chakra Balance Test find out more by reading up on the 2nd chakra information or check out yoga poses for activation, Meditation practices, affirmation techniques and reiki healing.
Solar Plexus Chakra Test
Do you accomplish what you set out to do?
Never (4) Seldom (3) Often (1) Always (0)
Do you feel confident?
Never (4) Seldom (3) Often (1) Always (0)
Are you intimidated by others?
Never (0) Seldom (1) Often (3) Always (4)
Count how many of the following issues you might have had within the last year?
Eating disorders; digestive disorders, ulcers; hypoglycemia, diabetes; muscle spasms, muscular disorders; chronic fatigue; hypertension; disorders of stomach, pancreas, gall bladder, liver, weak will, low self-esteem, self condemning, passive, sluggish, fearful, feels disliked, cold physically, cold emotionally, collapsed middle, attraction to stimulants (coffee), victim mentality (blames others), low energy
Simple Chakra 3 Balance Test Score:
If the Solar Plexus Chakra has a high score in the Simple Chakra Balance Test find out more by reading up on the 3rd chakra information or check out yoga poses for activation, Meditation practices, affirmation techniques and reiki healin
Heart Chakra Test
Do you love yourself?
Never (4) Seldom (3) Often (1) Always (0)
Are you able to accept others the way they are?
Never (4) Seldom (3) Often (1) Always (0)
Do you feel compassion for those with faults and troubles?
Never (4) Seldom (3) Often (1) Always (0)
Count how many of the following issues you might have had within the last year:
Disorders of the heart, lungs, thymus, breasts, arms; shortness of breath; sunken chest; circulation problems; asthma; immune system deficiency; tension between shoulder blades, pain in chest. Feelings of loneliness, Isolation, bitterness, judgmental, or can’t feel emotions, lack of empathy, fear of relationship, depression, cold.
Simple Chakra 4 Balance Test Score:
If the Solar Plexus Chakra has a high score in the Simple Chakra Balance Test find out more by reading up on the 3rd chakra information or check out yoga poses for activation, Meditation practices, affirmation techniques and reiki healin
Throat Chakra Test
Are you able to express your ideas to others so that they are able to understand them?
Never (4) Seldom (3) Often (1) Always (0)
Do you speak the truth faithfully, speaking up when you need to?
Never (4) Seldom (3) Often (1) Always (0)
Are you creative in your life? (This could be creative with anything).
Never (4) Seldom (3) Often (1) Always (0)
Count how many of the following issues you might have had within the last year:
Disorders of the throat, ears, voice, neck; tightness of the jaw; toxicity. Fear of speaking, poor rhythm, lack of faith, no creativity, small weak voice, difficulty putting feelings into words, shy, tone deaf.
Simple Chakra 5 Balance Test Score:
If the Solar Plexus Chakra has a high score in the Simple Chakra Balance Test find out more by reading up on the 3rd chakra information or check out yoga poses for activation, Meditation practices, affirmation techniques and reiki healin
3rd Eye Chakra Test
Do you have vivid dreams and remember them?
Never (4) Seldom (3) Often (1) Always (0)
Are you able to imagine new possibilities as solutions to problems?
Never (4) Seldom (3) Often (1) Always (0)
How would you rate your ability to visualize?
Poor (4) Fair (3) Good (1) Excellent (0)
Count how many of the following issues you might have had within the last year:
Poor memory, poor vision, cannot see patterns, denial, unclear thoughts, deluded, insensitivity, lack of imagination, poor dream recall, cant see potential future.
Simple Chakra 6 Balance Test Score:
If the Solar Plexus Chakra has a high score in the Simple Chakra Balance Test find out more by reading up on the 3rd chakra information or check out yoga poses for activation, Meditation practices, affirmation techniques and reiki healin
Crown Chakra Test
Do you feel a strong connection with some kind of higher or greater power, God, Goddess, spirit, etc?
Never (4) Seldom (3) Often (1) Always (0)
Are you able to work through and release attachments easily?
Never (4) Seldom (3) Often (1) Always (0)
Does your life have significant meaning beyond personal gratification?
Never (4) Seldom (3) Often (1) Always (0)
Count how many of the following issues you might have had within the last year?
Attachment, Neurological disorders, depression, apathy, alienation, poor boundaries, migraines, ADD, coma, brain tumors, amnesia, cognitive delusions, spiritual cynic, learning difficulty, rigid belief systems
Simple Chakra 7 Balance Test Score:
If the Solar Plexus Chakra has a high score in the Simple Chakra Balance Test find out more by reading up on the 3rd chakra information or check out yoga poses for activation, Meditation practices, affirmation techniques and reiki healin
Chakra Self Test Evaluation
After having completed the chakra evaluation test it’s recommended to explore the top 3 scoring chakras. These are the chakras that could either use some activation, balancing or healing. You can explore more information on the 7 chakras, discover yoga poses to help activate the chakras needing more attention, explore various meditation practices, affirmation techniques, and other healing modalities such as distant reiki healing. Explore all of the possibilities and pick the ones that resonate with you.
Yoga Classes at the
Hidden Valley Zen Center
Sandra is offering mixed level yoga classes at the Zen Center on Tuesday and Thursday nights at 5:30 pm Pacific time Click here for more information.

Zoom Yoga Classes
Sherry is live on Zoom Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings. Click here for the schedule.